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Google Adwords – Introduction to Enhanced Campaigns

Today’s world is a device world, the people are using different devices to find the information hence it is a mandatory task at the advertisers end to know how the people are using their devices for different purposes.
Each device provides some flexibility to the users, the Smartphones are generally to use to find the information like route Map, hotels and office address etc easily. The Tablets and desktops are used for online purchases.

The advertisers not only understand the usages of device but they have also looked for different Bidding strategies to reach to them. By understanding their needs google Adwords has introduced Enhanced Campaigns feature.
This will enable the advertisers to customize the bidding the strategy i.e. time of the day and target Location etc according to their line of business and vertical.

Find more details here http://www.google.com/adwords/enhancedcampaigns/


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